Part one
Auxiliary tetrachords structured in the second, third,
and fourth degrees of the main tetrachords by intermediate tones, are
also of great importance in the formation of scales. Here are examples
based on the auxiliary tetrachords:

Out of the above tetrachords:
Tetrachord a is perfect one; its structure is represented
by the formula: 1 - 1/2 - 1.
Tetrachord b is perfect, too; formula of its structure
is 1/2 - 1 - 1.
Tetrachord с is an increased tetrachord; formula of its
structure is 1 - 1 - 1 (a tritone).
Each tetrachord degree structured by formula 1 - 1 - 1/2
(main) and built by formula 1 - 1/2 - 1 (auxiliary) is also good for
a satisfactory resolution of musical phrases and cadences.
Within frameworks of the main tetrachord:

An example based on the perfect auxiliary tetrachord in
the second degree:

This is also good for a satisfactory resolution of all
degrees of auxiliary tetrachords constructed by formula 1/2 - 1 - 1
with exception of the fourth degree due to its strong inclination to
conclusion in the third degree:

As to the tetrachord constructed by formula 1 - 1 - 1
(tritone), none of this tetrachord degrees can be good for satisfactory
resolution of musical phrases or cadences. It is due to the functional
interrelation of these tetrachords degrees. They are not distinctly
expressed due to lack of semitones. Therefore, we observe complete lack
of tritones in Azerbaijani modes, which scales are combined with equal
However, tritone is an unavoidable phenomenon when the
2-nd way of tetrachords combination (mixed combination) is applied.
We get a new scale consisted of gradual number of perfect quintes by
this way of combination. Then we face a dilemma: whether avoid the tritone
as ineligible scale for the formation of meaningful musical phrases,
or avoid the quinte structure though the latter, compared to the quarte
structure, is a further step in the musical art's development history.
But there is the 3-rd way: to violate the gradual succession
of three complete tones of tritone by semitone inclusion. Tritone is
unfit because of succession of three complete tones, not because its
first and last degrees form the interval of increased quarte. Hence,
raising and lowering one of the medial tones, we can achieve the violation
of three complete tones succession:

Middle sounds of tritone in the above scale are sol and la. In the quinte
circle the most suitable alternation for sol is sol-sharp, for la is
la flat.
If we change sol for sol sharp, then the scale in example 20 can be
presented as follows:

Succession of three complete tones violates the quinte consequence of
the scale, as well. To restore the violated perfect quinte, it is necessary
to raise the first degree of the scale (do sharp), and then one can
receive a correctly arranged scale consisted of gradual succession of
perfect quintes:

2-nd way to violate succession of three complete tones is to transform
la into la flat, and then the scale in example 20 will be presented
as follows:

Succession of three complete tones violates the quinte consequence of
the scale, as well. To restore the violated perfect quinte, it is necessary
to lower the second degree of the scale (re flat). Then one could achieve
the following correctly arranged scale consisted of gradual succession
of perfect quintes, like this:

The scale in example 24 consists of two tetrachords structured
by formula 1/2 - 11/2 - 1/2, i.e. the 2-nd way
of combination (separate) is involved. In the tetrachord structured
by formula 1/2 - 11/2 - 1/2, the 1-st and 4-th
degrees can function as the main tones of the scale.
New interval of the increased second appears in examples
21 and 23. All the above shows the increased second to become the result
of the violation of three complete tones' gradual succession. It is
achieved by alternation of triton's middle tones.
2 3
4 5
6 7