Part two



3. Composing melodies in the mode "Shur"

A. Diapason of the mode scale"Shur"

Three equal tetrachords constructed by formula 1 - 1/2 - 1 and combined conjointly (chain combination) form the scale of the mode "Shur". In this scale the first degree of the medial tetrachord is a tonic of the mode. With the tonic re of the first octave the scale of the mode "Shur" can be presented thus:

This scale consists of gradual succession of perfect quartes.


B. Modal functions of degrees and permissible leaps

In this scale the former tonic of the mode "Rast" (3-rd degree is do) retains the right of being the main tone of the scale. In the above scale:

1-st degree of the scale functions as a mediant of the main tone. It has no direct connection with the tonic of the mode "Shur", and it is included neither in the gradual movement, nor in the leaps.

2-nd degree of the scale functions as a subtonic of the main tone. In the mode "Shur" leaps from this degree are not allowed.

3-rd degree is the main tone of the scale. Leaps from this degree are permitted to the third, quarte and quinte of the main tone.

4-th degree of the scale functions as a tonic of the mode. Leaps from this degree are permitted only in the ascending direction: to the upper mediant, to the quarte and quinte.
5-th degree of the scale functions as a supertonic of the keynote and as a subtonic of the upper mediant. This degree requires lowering or softening in the following cases:

1) when it is between the tonic and its repetition;
2) when a leap is made from the main tone:
3) when after the tonic a leap is made to the main tone.

For example:

Note: Lowering of the above degree after the upper mediant does not conform the style of Azerbaijani music. Leaps from this degree (not lowered) are permitted upwards - only to the quarte of the tonic, but downwards - to the above given degree after the upper mediant does not conform unique style of Azerbaijani music.

6-th degree of the scale functions as an upper mediant of the tonic. Leaps from this degree are possible: upwards - to the quinte of the tonic, downwards - to the tonic and the main tone.

7-th degree functions as a quarte of the tonic. Leaps from this degree are permitted: upwards - to the supertonic of the tonic quinte, and also to the boundary tone of the scale, downwards - to the subtonic of the upper mediant, to the tonic, and also to the main tone.

8-th degree of the scale functions as a quinte of the tonic. Leaps are allowed: upwards - to the boundary tone, downwards - to the upper mediant of the tonic and to the tonic.

9-th degree of the scale functions as a supertonic of the quinte of the tonic. A leap is allowed only to the upper quarte of the tonic.

10-th degree of the scale functions as a boundary tone. Leaps are allowed only downwards - to the quinte and quarte of the tonic.

[Shur: pages 1 2 3 4 5 ]

| Rast | Shur | Segah |





© Musigi Dunyasi
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